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The Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights launched its “Soy Georgia” (“I am Georgia”) campaign engaging Latinx voters.
September 30th, 2019 (Atlanta, GA) – Today, The Georgia Latino Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) held a press conference to launch the “Soy Georgia” (“I am Georgia”) campaign to encourage voter engagement and participation of Latino voters in Georgia, a state that is becoming a political battleground in which our communities learn the political power our vote has and how it speaks for us and the needs of our community.
“Our community’s lives are on the line in this next election, and we want to make sure that every person who wants to have their voice heard is able to register to vote and to cast their ballot. We are going to immigrant neighborhoods in rural communities in Southern Georgia who have never had anyone knock on their doors. These communities must also have a voice in this next crucial election,” said Adelina Nicholls, GLAHR’s Executive Director.
There are an anticipated number of elections in 2020 beyond the Presidential, in Georgia communities will also be paying attention to Congressional and Sheriff races, given many anti-immigrant policies and practices still take place at the local level. The “Soy Georgia” campaign will reach the Latinx community to increase their political power by giving people the tools to participate and the understanding of the importance of their vote has in the future of Georgia.
Last year GLAHR led the Campaign “Georgia Decide-te” (Get Out To Vote) increasing voter registration and participation of Latinos in rural Georgia 300-500% for the Georgia midterm election, something unprecedented in the state.
The Georgia Alliance for Human Rights (GLAHR) is a nonprofit community organization that educates, organizes and trains Latino immigrants in Georgia to defend and promote their civil and human rights.